If you are the person responsible for dinner appearing on the table every night, having the right tools is a very smart thing. We love Smart Kitchen gadgets and have put together a round up of some of the smartest home gadgets for your kitchen.
Uttensil Stirr - The Unique Automatic Pan Stirrer
Have you ever wished you had an extra pair of hands? The Uttensil automatic stirrer has three speed options so you can chill and let the robots do the work.
The Tovolo egg yolk separator can help make prep easier. The bulb suctions the yolk out of the bowl leaving the egg whites behind. Easy breezy.
Want to ask Alexa to make your coffe? Sounds pretty righteous, huh? Temperature control and pre-soak time can all be controlled through the Behmor app giving you control of your coffee.
The Prodyne sugar dispenser works well and looks cool! It dispenses ½ teaspoon of sugar with the press of button to keep your sugar consumption in check.
THAT Inventions Spread That Serrated Warming Butter Knife
SpreadTHAT! softens butter for quicker, easier spreading by carrying heat from the palm of your hand to the edge of the blade through a superconducting core. Use the serrated edge to shave off fine curls of butter straight onto your toast, and then gently draw the blade over them for a smoother, more even layer of butter right out of the fridge. No waiting, no clumping – just a better slice of toast, made easy.